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Florida Home Sales Real Estate Blog

How Does Rent to Own Housing Work? - Florida Home Sales
By Rob Frierson September 3, 2020
When looking for information on how the real estate market works, turn to the best Stuart Realtor and Jupiter Realtor at Florida Home Sales, and we'll keep you informed and updated on everything!
By Rob Frierson August 24, 2020
Florida Realtors: July Housing Market Had ‘Wave of Closed Sales’ By Marla Martin
Choosing Interior Colors: An Overview - Florida Home Sales
By Rob Frierson August 18, 2020
Let Florida Home Sales, the best Stuart Realtor and Jupiter Realtor help you find exactly what you're looking for in a new home, and then we'll even help you after the sale with everything from preferred vendors to picking out the perfect shade of 'whatever'!
Smart Home Tools That Can Change Your Life from Florida Home Sales
By Rob Frierson August 3, 2020
Homes are getting smarter and more connected every day, and they are making people's lives easier and more efficient than ever, and are even more affordable than you might think. Here are some of my personal favorite new gadgets to help simplify your life.
Accentuate the Positives of your home's features
By Rob Frierson July 16, 2020
Accentuate the Positives of your home's features! Let me help you make the most of your home by pointing out the best features of it to potential buyers.
Your Pre-Listing Checklist from Florida Home Sales
By Rob Frierson July 9, 2020
Your Pre-Listing Checklist from Florida Home Sales
Is It Time to Build an Indoor Play Space?
By Rob Frierson June 30, 2020
With all that's going on in the world today, it may be time to consider building an indoor play space for your growing family.
Lakeside living from Florida Home Sales
By Rob Frierson June 26, 2020
Living by a lake can be a dream come true. It certainly is for me! But there are a few little things to consider before making that plunge!
Smart Homes and Mesh Networks - By Florida Home Sales
By Rob Frierson June 23, 2020
Touching on some of the latest technologies - Smart Homes and Mesh Networks
7 Must-Know Outdoor Lighting Tips
By Rob Frierson June 18, 2020
7 Must-Know Outdoor Lighting Tips from Florida Home Sales
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